Are we content creation monsters?

It’s time to talk about the content creation monsters that we have become out of necessity as entrepreneurs and small business owners. Let’s face it; it’s not like we wanted to be these monsters. We have been forced to mutate. In order to grow our businesses, and utilise social media opportunities, we became the dreaded […]
5 Social Media Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Make and How to Rectify these Mistakes:

I’m a big fan of perceiving failure as learning. So, when I say these are social media marketing mistakes, small businesses make in their social media strategies, I don’t believe that businesses are doing anything wrong. It’s all part of learning how to utilize social media to serve your business. I’ve made these mistakes. And […]
Why Facebook groups are good for business

Back in the day many businesses thrived by making use of Facebook’s organic opportunities. Yet now businesses are frustrated as Facebook is a ‘pay-to-play’ space, meaning brands have to pay to ensure they feature in clients’ timelines. However, Facebook organic opportunities are still available. In this article Facebook groups as a valid business […]